Hello DMHS Parents, Guardians and Students! Next week we will start our Listen and Learn Grade-Level meetings, where you can learn more about the upcoming year and other important information. You will meet the administrative team and have the chance to learn about programs and resources. The sophomores Listen and Learn is Tuesday, August 25 at 12:30. Meeting details are found on the Live Feed on our DMHS website.
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Hello DMHS Parents, Guardians and Students! Next week we will start our Listen and Learn Grade-Level meetings, where you can learn more about the upcoming year and other important information. You will meet the administrative team and have the chance to learn about programs and resources. The freshmen Listen and Learn is Monday, August 24 at 12:30. Meeting details are found on the Live Feed on our DMHS website.
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please click the following link to access DMHS Listen and Learn by Grade Levels: https://www.epsd.org/o/dmhs/browse/160832
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see the EPSD 2020-2021 SY Calendar: https://5il.co/jrsk
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see Notice of Public Meeting for Thursday, August 20th: https://5il.co/jjgi
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Welcome to Dwight Morrow High School/ Academies@Englewood Class 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you both virtually in person! You are joining a vibrant community of learners and who will carry out our vision, “Empowering a culture of life-long learners through CREATIVITY, INNOVATION, and INSPIRATION- See video from Principal Suro: https://drive.google.com/file/d/155OjG0UlFddd9vOyuN_axaD0AmbaaQmu/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
DMHS/AE Administration
This is our FREE Transition to High School Program for Rising 9th Graders: https://5il.co/jfpm To register email mmulry@epsd.org or fill out the registration form at this link: https://forms.gle/fNR9s94ABHiuxYLr6
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see attached Notice of Rescheduled Special Public Work Session Meeting from Tuesday, August 4th to Tuesday, August 11th: https://5il.co/j95x
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Reminder: 2020-21 Mandatory School Survey for All Parents/Guardians The survey will close on Monday, August 10th at 6:00 PM. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=79jnr_NoWEKaqQCNd-DYprJ4Jh4a1q1PiOPXkXekq4xUNUc0RFlSNjBZVlRGMlJTRVg2WkRBODJIMi4u
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Englewoods Road to Reopening Plan for SY 20-21: https://5il.co/j3qo
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Tonight's BOE Meeting will be canceled due to power outages and current weather conditions.
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see the Road Back to School Opening Plan for SY 20-21: https://5il.co/iyny
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Hello! A reminder that our live graduation is today! 2020 Grads: arrive 30 min before your scheduled ceremony. Please arrive with your 2 guests in 1 car. Parking is available through the Bilmar St entrance. Don't forget your masks! Only 2 guests/student! Campus closed to others as we are limited to 500 people for the gathering. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello! Please note that incoming sophomores will have course selections take place on campus this Thursday, July 30th, from 9am-2:30pm. Any incoming Juniors or Seniors who missed the last 2 days of course selections are also invited to come this Thursday. Also, incoming Freshmen do not need to participate in course selections at this time. If you have any questions, please email your school guidance counselor. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello! Our live graduation is tomorrow! Arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. Please arrive with your 2 guests in 1 car. Parking is available through the Bilmar Street entrance. Don't forget your masks! Only 2 guests/student! The campus is closed to others as we are limited to 500 people for the gathering. See you soon!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Our in person graduation is tomorrow! Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. It is requested that your arrive with your two guests in one car. Parking is available on campus through the Bilmar Street entrance. Don't forget your masks! We cannot wait to celebrate all of your accomplishments.
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
2020 Graduates! 3 days until our in person graduation on Wednesday! Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. It is requested that you arrive with your two guests in one car. Parking is available on campus through the Bilmar Street entrance. Don't forget your masks! The event will be limited to 500 people on campus; students can bring only 2 guests. Unfortunately, due to social distancing rules, anyone outside of this group cannot participate in graduation and cannot be on campus. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to a great event for our 2020 grads!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
3 days until our in person graduation on Wednesday! Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. It is requested that you arrive with your two guests in one car. Parking is available on campus through the Bilmar Street entrance. Don't forget your masks!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Four days until our in person graduation! Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. It is requested that your arrive with your two guests in one car. Parking is available on campus through the Bilmar Street entrance. Don't forget your masks! We cannot wait to celebrate all of your accomplishments.
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma