Having trouble accessing Genesis? Please contact tdivincent@epsd.org
Need assistance with your child's EPSD email account/password? Contact vfaithfulhill1@epsd.org
Need to request a laptop or hotspot? Please email bsuro@epsd.org with your student’s name and a request for a laptop or hotspot for MP1. Please cc’ bisahak@epsd.org
Trouble with your schedule? Please email your child’s guidance counselor, and cc’ mheinze@epsd.org
Having trouble accessing your class via Teams? Please communicate with your teachers by directly emailing your teachers!
***Thank you for your patience while we troubleshoot these technical difficulties!***
Dear DMHS Community! Happy First Day of School!
The Curriculum Department has scheduled the following parent sessions; please see the 4 posts on our website for information!
¡Estimada comunidad de DMHS! ¡Feliz primer día de escuela!
El Departamento de Currículo ha programado las siguientes sesiones para padres; ¡Consulte las 4 publicaciones en nuestro sitio web para obtener información!
Pre-K - 12 Microsoft Office Parent Learning Experience
(English Session): https://tinyurl.com/y2yanbzf
Click on the link above to attend the session.
Thursday, September 16th 3:30pm-5:30pm
Pre-K - 12 Taller de Microsoft Office Suite para Padres
(Sesión en Español): https://tinyurl.com/y5yoyc8t
Haga click en el enlace para asistir a la sesión.
Jueves, 16 de septiembre 3:30pm-5:30pm
Pre-K - 12 Microsoft Office Parent Learning Experience
(English Session): https://tinyurl.com/yxglney5
Click on the link above to attend the session.
Thursday, September 16th 6:00pm-8:00pm
Pre-K - 12 Taller de Microsoft Office Suite para Padres
(Sesión en Español): https://tinyurl.com/y4utjtfz
Haga click en el enlace para asistir a la sesión.
Jueves, 6 de septiembre 6:00pm-8:00pm
Looking forward to our 1st day with our amazing students! Remember: tomorrow is the 1st day of a whole new way to learn! Please communicate with your teachers if you come across a challenge; they are here FOR YOU! Virtual learning is a part of our new way to educate. Go get it!
Please see the attached letter from Principal Suro regarding the 20-21 SY: https://5il.co/kk90
Please see the attached flyer for information regarding EPSD Microsoft Office Suite Student Learning Experiences: https://5il.co/kjnc
Please see attached Notice of Special Public Meeting for Tuesday, September 8th: https://5il.co/kg1a
Freshmen Listen and Learn recording: https://epsdnj-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/dkono_epsd_org/En-VyA4vaIVFoSdaB-7us90B4DWj0hn4jF7Wx2Gsnlzyww?e=pZaKto
Freshmen Listen and Learn link:
Hello DMHS Parents, Guardians and Students! Tomorrow we have our Freshman Listen and Learn event at 12:30pm , where you can learn more about the upcoming year and other important information. You will meet the administrative team and have the chance to learn about programs and resources. Meeting details are found on the Live Feed on our DMHS website.
Recorded Senior Listen & Learn: https://5il.co/kb20
The first day of school for ALL DMHS/AE students is 9/9! Please see the updated school calendar on our website for more information.
Recorded Junior Listen and Learn Video: https://5il.co/k9nf
Hello Seniors and your Parents/Guardians! Please join us tomorrow for our Senior Listen and Learn at 12:30; the Zoom link is in our school's Live Feed. We will be sharing important information, especially as it relates to starting the year virtually. We hope you join us! Take care!
Recorded Sophomore Listen and Learn Video: https://5il.co/k5yb
Parent: Wondering how you can help to set your child up for success this school year? Please join us for one of our two scheduled Parent Professional Learning Experiences, Remote Learning Edition: Saturday, August 29, 2020- 9:30AM-11:30AM
Two sessions: English and Spanish
Monday, August 31, 2020
5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Two Sessions: English and Spanish
This two and a half-hour Professional Learning Experience will offer an opportunity to explore a suite of skills and applications that will connect students and further empower them to unlock creativity, promote collaboration, teamwork, and provide a custom and safe educational experience for all students. We will cover how to get started, navigate the platform, communicate ideas, engage in synchronous and asynchronous lessons, and utilize a suite of applications that foster 21st century learning and achieve academic learning outcomes.
Parent Forms Registration: https://tinyurl.com/y2phuojr
Hello Freshmen Students, Parents and Guardians! Due to the global outage of Zoom, we will be moving our Freshmen Listen and Learn to this Friday, August 28th, 12 pm. New Zoom meeting details will be shared and posted today. Thanks for your support and patience as we deal with Zoom's global connectivity issue. Take care!
Hello Freshmen Students, Parents and Guardians! Due to the global outage of Zoom, we will be moving our Freshmen Listen and Learn to this Friday, August 28th, 12 pm. New Zoom meeting details will be shared and posted today. Thanks for your support and patience as we deal with Zoom's global connectivity issue. Take care!
Hello DMHS Parents, Guardians and Students! Next week we will start our Listen and Learn Grade-Level meetings, where you can learn more about the upcoming year and other important information. You will meet the administrative team and have the chance to learn about programs and resources. The senior Listen and Learn is Thursday, August 27 at 12:30. Meeting details are found on the Live Feed on our DMHS website.
Hello DMHS Parents, Guardians and Students! Next week we will start our Listen and Learn Grade-Level meetings, where you can learn more about the upcoming year and other important information. You will meet the administrative team and have the chance to learn about programs and resources. The junior Listen and Learn is Wednesday, August 26 at 12:30. Meeting details are found on the Live Feed on our DMHS website.