almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
¡Hola padres y tutores! Un recordatorio de que mañana (jueves 6 de mayo) los estudiantes aprenderán desde casa y no se reportarán al edificio de la escuela; el aprendizaje será virtual. Los estudiantes que toman el examen mañana deben presentarse en su sala de exámenes a las 7:45 am. Nuevamente, solo los estudiantes que tomen la prueba mañana se presentarán al campus. ¡Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello Parents and Guardians! A reminder that tomorrow (Thursday, May 6th) students will be learning from home and not reporting to the school building - learning will be virtual. Students who are testing tomorrow should report to their testing room by 7:45 am. Again, only students who are testing tomorrow will report to campus. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Coming Soon - Virtual Englewood Idol!
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Englewood Idol Flyer
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Congratulations to all of our DMHS seniors! Many are getting accepted to colleges and universities, proudly enlisting in military service, and accepting jobs upon graduation! We are proud of all of the post-secondary commitments our seniors have made! More news to come!
almost 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
We are looking for high school students to participate in our upcoming program. We have room for an additional 10 students. The Discovery program is a 4 week workshop, 1 x per week on Tuesday afternoons starting May 11. The program is virtual but the activities are very hands on and active. Each week we explore a new activity related to food, exercise, and emotional wellness. Also participants receive a lot of cool things Participation Kit • Yoga mat • Bag of groceries & healthy snacking recipes • Cookbook • Art supply kit • Gift Card ($) for those who complete the program
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Friday May 7th is School Lunch Hero Day! Join us in celebrating our school nutrition heroes.
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Happy Monday! AP Exam season officially kicks off tomorrow. Good luck to AP Lit students (all seniors) on Wednesday and AP US History students (all sophomores) on Thursday. Let's remind ALL Cohort B students not to come to the building this Thursday, but staff will all be here.
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Celebrate with us, and let's continue to care, acknowledge and appreciate everyone!
almost 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Let's Celebrate!
Today's News includes a special tribute to Glenda Frasier:
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Here's an oldie but goodie...enjoy the tune.... DMAE News for Tuesday:
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Hope you all had a pleasant weekend: Daily News for Monday from DMAE
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Hey folks, Friday's News features the Pledge of Allegiance. We were piloting the idea, and admin has agreed that we can do so to replace admin's live announcement each Wednesday morning from now on.
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
DMAE News for Thursday - Welcome back - enjoy meeting Cohort B
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Wishing you an easy adjustment into the new schedule. We got this. DMAE News for Tuesday: AND remember Wednesday we all stay home 🙂
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton
Light news day, but maybe we could all use that? 🙂 Btw, we welcome announcements and posters for clubs OR if you want us to broadcast anything else special we are here for you,
almost 4 years ago, Naomi Morton