Hello Seniors & Parents/Guardians! There is a distribution of grad 2020 lawn signs Tuesday, June 9, from 10am-12pm, at the First Baptist Church 351 Englewood Avenue. Thank you to the Englewood Community for this wonderful gift! Personalized lawn signs go up tomorrow on campus.
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Please see the attached flyer regarding Microsoft Teams and OneNote Training for Parents and Students! English ( https://5il.co/gzff) Spanish (https://5il.co/gzfg)
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see the following video for an important message from Mr. Kravitz on Racial Inequality:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDWj6gCWbLA
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Hello DMHS Community, LG is looking to do something for graduating seniors on their Times Square Billboard. Please see the attached letter for more information. Take care!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Letter from LG re: Celebrating Seniors in Times Square
As a reminder, and follow-up to letters/emails sent out and posted: Marking period (MP) 4 will use a Pass/Fail model, where a Pass is given a grade of 99, and a Fail is given a grade of 64. Teachers will continue to assign work and place these respective grades into students' grade books. Students' transcripts will not show the Pass/Fail wording, but will post the aforementioned scores. These grades will then be used to calculate a student's overall grade for that course. • The high school will not be having final exams this year. As such, each MP will have a weighted average of 25%, thus each MP grade will carry the same weight for the 2019- 20 school year. • We will be sending out information soon regarding students coming back to campus to hand-in textbooks, instruments and the like before the school year ends. We are waiting on feedback from the State on how this will look, as our priority is to keep our students and staff safe at all times. Once we receive more information from the State, we will use the parameters set to outline a plan for these visits. Again, our priority is everyone's well-being, and will provide options for these visits. More details to come. • The last day of school is June 22nd. • Grades for underclass students are due Monday, June 15. • MP4 grading portal for progress reports are available for parents/guardians tomorrow, 5/28. Please continue to reach out to your child's teachers with questions or concerns. • Student laptop information for summer use is to follow.
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello 20' Senior DM Parents/Guardians! Reminder: Grad is still on 6/25; Senior grades due 6/5; New/Old Grad Point due 6/14, midnight; Senior seat time due 6/13; reach out to staff/counselors with ?'s. Also continue to check your email, our Twitter account & DM website Live Feed
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
A message from Principal Suro: https://youtu.be/q3trX-r1ECw
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello! Please see the attached letter re: students returning to campus to drop-off school items/pick-up leftover items. This letter will also be sent via email to students and parents/guardians. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
EOY Student Return to School
EOY Student Return to School
Don't think that you can't be part of the change.
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Congratulations to all the Bergen County Valedictorians for the Class of 2020! We celebrate you with a video tribute, and to our own Nicolas Marin & Andrew Sang Lee - Congratulations!!! We are proud of you!!! #BCVal2020 #njed https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwOwKb9kiQ6E&data=02%7C01%7C%7C091a7162646845d7c67708d807f1e2e9%7Cafe7d8ef68f342589aa9008d77e0d8a6%7C0%7C0%7C637268082765561899&sdata=CL%2BrnP%2By2hcBF36WsAlV7IaUszBriqx5UrvzYx8OQGw%3D&reserved=0
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Don't think that you can't be part of the change.
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Como recordatorio: Según la Política de calificaciones aprobada por la Junta de Educación el 14 de mayo, el Período de calificación 4 será Aprobado / Reprobado. Los maestros continuarán dando calificaciones, que luego se convertirán en una calificación final del período de calificación de P o F. Los valores numéricos son 99 como aprobado y 64 reprobado. Si un estudiante tiene un puntaje superior a 64 para el Período de calificación 4, recibirá un 99 para el Período de calificación 4. ¡Gracias y cuídese!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
As a reminder: As per the Grading Policy approved by the Board of Education on May 14th, Marking Period 4 is going to be Pass/Fail. Teachers will continue to give grades, which will then convert to a final marking period grade of P or F. The numerical values are 99 as passing and 64 failing. If a student has a score over 64 for Marking Period 4, they will receive a 99 for Marking Period 4. Thank you and take care!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Hello 2020 Senior DMHS Parents/Guardians! A reminder: Graduation is still on 6/25; Senior grades due 6/5; New/Old Grad Point due 6/14 by midnight; Senior seat time due 6/13; we are being flexible and supportive; please reach out to staff & counselors with questions. Also please continue to check your email, the school's Twitter account & our DMHS website Live Feed for more information. Thank you and take care
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
2020 Seniors! Here is the link to the informational Zoom meetings for graduation and other end of year items that will be lead by Ms Browne and Ms Rochman: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3844384683?pwd=WjhuQUsyMHhsVnpGUUJSY3VOWjU2Zz09
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Important information regarding our Quarles preschool program: there are spots available! Please see the attached flyers for more information: https://5il.co/gr3i
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
Please see attached Notice of Special Public Work Session Meeting for June 9, 2020: https://5il.co/gqzh
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
DMHS/ AE- Please see important update from Principal Suro: https://5il.co/gqnq
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma
2020 Seniors! Please continue to check your EPSD Outlook email accounts for important information re: marking period 4 & graduation! We are excited to share some good news! As always, continue to also check Twitter, our Facebook/YouTube feeds & our DMHS website!
over 4 years ago, Benjamin Suro
Please see important message from Principal Suro for HS Seniors & Parents: https://5il.co/gqmt
over 4 years ago, Nikki Auriemma