Student Assistance Counselors provide services for prevention, intervention, support, and referral services for students at risk for substance use, addictive behaviors, and other mental health concerns. Prevention and intervention platforms include; individual counseling, group counseling, and school-wide initiatives, often in collaboration with other helping professionals in the school and the community. The goal is to ensure that all students are equipped with the skills and resources in order to grow socially and emotionally into adulthood. 


Heidi Agramonte, LPC, LCADC

201-862-6077 ext 6077

Individual/Group Counseling 

SACs provide support and confidential counseling for students and families to support issues such as: 

  • Substance Use and Misuse 

  • Mental Health Concerns 

  • Adjustment and Transition 

  • Family Dynamics 

  • Friendship/Relationship Dynamics 

  • Loss/Grief 


SACs can help students and families find appropriate supports and community resources, such as therapists, rehabilitation and treatment facilities. 



According to a very strict Federal Regulation (42.CFR), the Student Assistance Counselor cannot disclose to anyone any information that a student discusses with them, without the permission of the student. There are only two exceptions to this law. The first is in instances where the student expresses the desire to hurt himself/herself or another person. The second exception involves situations of abuse. In both cases the SAC is obligated to inform school or legal personnel. 


If a student tells the SAC that he/she wishes to hurt him/herself or anyone else, actions must be taken to prevent this from happening. Also, if a student discloses that abuse is happening to him/her, the SAC counselor has the obligation to report the abuse. 


With this confidentiality law, students feel more comfortable disclosing information to their counselors. In most cases holding information in and letting it build can have a detrimental effect. The SAC gives the students the opportunity to vent in a safe place where they know the information will not leave the office. 


Some Commonly Asked Questions about SACs: 

  What is the difference between a School Counselor and a SAC? 

While all students are assigned a school counselor, not all students meet with the SACs. The SACs work with students who are referred to them. The primary goal of SACs is to support students' social emotional and mental health needs so that they can achieve as much as possible in their academic life.    

How are students referred to the SACs? 

Students can be referred to the SACs by a teacher, counselor, case manager, or administrator. Additionally, students can also refer themselves.  

Are my conversations with the SACs confidential? 

Confidentiality does apply to students who meet with the SAC, with limitations. The limitations of confidentiality are if a student says that they are thinking of harming themselves, if a student says that they are thinking of harming someone else, or if a student says that they are being abused, even if that abuse took place in the past. In those cases, the SAC is legally and ethically obligated to break confidentiality in order to ensure the safety of the student. 

Upcoming events/ Resources

The Bergen County Addiction Support emergency hotline is available 24/7 for those who may be struggling with substances. You can call/text 201-589-2976 at any time. Please click here to learn more about this joint effort between The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources and the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office.

"Where can I turn to for resources?" 

"What if I have a non-urgent question?"

"How can I make a difference in my community?"

The Bergen County Prevention Warmline is available from 9am-4pm from Monday-Friday to answer any non-urgent questions you may have. 201-225-8848

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